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Remembering Robert Johnson On His Birthday
Happy Birthday to Robert Johnson, born May 8, 1911.
Robert Johnson Blues Foundation Featured On WYAB 103.9FM
Listen to a new interview with Steven Johnson, the grandson of legendary blues musician Robert Johnson, by radio host Jim Thorn on WYAB 103.9FM in Jackson, MS. They talked about the Robert Johnson Blues Foundation and its Museum in Crystal Springs, MS, the RJBF’s scholarships for young…
About Robert Johnson

More than 100 years ago, a child was born in Mississippi – a dirt-poor, African-American who would grow up, learn to sing and play the blues, and eventually achieve worldwide renown. In the decades after his death, he has become known as the King of the Delta Blues Singers, his music expanding in influence to the point that rock stars of the greatest magnitude – the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, the Allman Brothers – all sing his praise and have recorded his...more »