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Remembering Robert Johnson On His Birthday
Happy Birthday to Robert Johnson, born May 8, 1911.
Robert Johnson Blues Foundation Featured On WYAB 103.9FM
Listen to a new interview with Steven Johnson, the grandson of legendary blues musician Robert Johnson, by radio host Jim Thorn on WYAB 103.9FM in Jackson, MS. They talked about the Robert Johnson Blues Foundation and its Museum in Crystal Springs, MS, the RJBF’s scholarships for young artists, and they explored renowned songs including “Cross Road Blues,” “If I Had Possession Over Judgment Day,” “Kind Hearted Woman Blues,” and more.
Jimi Hendrix Was A Fan Of Robert Johnson

“I really dig the Blues. I like Elmore James, Robert Johnson — he’s so cool — and the very early Muddy Waters.”
~ Jimi Hendrix (January 1967, Disc & Music Echo)
Robert Johnson To Be Honored With Mississippi Songwriters Hall of Fame Award at Alcorn State University, Foundation Creates Scholarship

The Mississippi Songwriters Hall of Fame Award for 2022 honoring Robert Johnson will be presented to the Robert Johnson Family at Alcorn State University on November 19, 2022. The award will be presented at the end of the first quarter of Alcorn State University vs. Jackson State University football, said Athletic Director Raynoid Dedeaux.
The Robert Johnson Blues Foundation also will award Freshman Avantavis Carter, from Hazlehurst, Mississippi (Johnson’s birthplace), with a $1000 scholarship to help further his education.
The Foundation’s goal is to be able to present the recipient with additional financial support. For information on how to become a donor, please contact RJBF CFO, Michael Johnson at [email protected] or call (601) 613-0805.
The RJBF has created this annual scholarship in honor of the life and legacy of Robert Johnson, King of the Delta Blues and Father of Modern Rock and Roll. The RJBF operates under 501C3 tax status, so all donations are tax deductible.